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Our Fees

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No upfront joining fee, 15% typical commission


Refer a debt

Commission only charged on monies recovered

Our rate remains the same whether it takes us a single day to recover your debt or an entire year. It’s in our interest to act as quickly as possible.

Ancillary Services

Our ancillary services are available to all our clients. If a case requires a specific service such as legal action or debtor tracing, the associated issuing cost will be explained to you before any speculative action is taken and we will require your express instruction before undertaking any fee incurring work.

No collection, no commission

In most cases, our typical commission rate is 15%, and we only charge commission if we successfully collect. Which means we’re fully focused on getting results.

Dependent on our clients’ terms and conditions, or relevant legislation, costs may also be recovered where we are legally able to do so.

Easing the burden

Credit control can be a time-consuming process. For a small business, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day to dedicate to chasing debt, while even larger companies with credit control staff frequently need a hand with stubborn debtors. Which is where a partner with experience, expertise and a persistent, professional approach can prove priceless.

Above and beyond

For cases requiring additional lean, we are vastly experienced in knowing the right kind of legal action to instigate against your debtors. We drive forward legal action in-house, saving our clients from over-involvement.

Unlike other debt collection agencies, we also retain a panel of expert, highly regarded solicitors, and insolvency practitioners. Which all adds up to a professional, respectful, and highly effective solution to your enforcement needs. One offered at exceptionally competitive rates, and one that dovetails neatly with our core debt recovery services.

Communication and reporting

A dedicated account manager is assigned to every one of our clients. Each has extensive experience, and all will respond to debt referred requests on the same day, quickly getting up-to-speed on the case and establishing a dialogue with you as soon as possible. In addition, we supply regular reports with 24/7 online access to your case readily available.

No joining fee or long-term contract

Unless requested, we won’t ask our clients to enter a fixed contract and we won’t charge a joining fee. To be honest, we want our clients to return for the quality of our results-driven service, rather than being contractually obligated to do so.

Helping you grow stronger

Easing the burden of chasing debt leaves you free to focus on what you do best. Growing your business. Your brand will benefit with improved cash flow enhancing your reputation, building respect in your sector, and ultimately helping you grow stronger as a business.

How can we help?

From one-off bad debts to ledgers that require more regular attention, we’re here for you.

Tell us how we can help your business, please complete this form.

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